Grails Spring jar dependency with Atmosphere plugin -

i running dependency issues with atmosphere plugin. using grails 2.3.6 getting following error on server start up

2014-04-20 01:21:44,262 [localhost-startstop-1]  error context.grailscontextloader  - error initializing application: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.injectionmetadata.needsrefresh(lorg/springframework/beans/factory/annotation/injectionmetadata;ljava/lang/class;)z  message: org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.injectionmetadata.needsref resh(lorg/springframework/beans/factory/annotation/injectionmetadata;ljava/lang/ class;)z 

to me seems dependency problem, unable pin point specific jar/s ran on dependency report couldn't make out real issue.

any idea ??


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