Merge 2 Adapter , and show it in one listview android -

i'm looking way merge 2 adapters 1 listview, code show 2 adapter in 2 listview, there possibility merge ?

not_choose.clear();    arraylist<dec_all> = this.notchoose(); (int = 0; < a.size(); i++) {      int tidno = a.get(i).getid();     string name = a.get(i).getname();     dec_all cnt = new dec_all();     cnt.setid(tidno);     cnt.setname(name);      not_choose.add(cnt); } dbhandler.close(); gtpadapter = new not_chooseadapter(this, r.layout.not_choose_listrow,         not_choose);   i_choose.clear(); arraylist<dec_all> b = this.ichoose();  (int = 0; < b.size(); i++) {      int tidno = b.get(i).getid();     string name = b.get(i).getname();     dec_all cnt = new dec_all();     cnt.setid(tidno);     cnt.setname(name);      i_choose.add(cnt); } dbhandler.close(); gtadapter = new i_chooseadapter(this, r.layout.i_choose_listrow,         i_choose);  lvdata_one.setadapter(gtadapter); //listview 1 lvdata_two.setadapter(gtpadapter); //list view 2 

thanks advice

combine 2 array list one:

list<string> lista = new arraylist<string>(); lista.add("a");  list<string> listb = new arraylist<string>(); listb.add("b");  list<string> listfinal = new arraylist<string>(); listfinal.addall(lista); listfinal.addall(listb); 

or can append listb :



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