No results with PHP search in MongoDB? -

i have database store dns logs. data stored in collection dnslog. document structure:

{     "_id" : objectid("53539df1e4b076aa8975840a"),      "dateandtime" : isodate("2014-04-09t03:42:48z"),      "client" : "",      "query" : "",      "other" : "aaaa" } 

i stored week's log database , total count 821943936; have following php script search results:

$m = new mongoclient(); echo "connection database successfully"."<br />"; $db = $m->dns; echo "datebase dns selected"."<br />"; $collection = $db->dnslog; echo "collection selected succsessfully"."<br />"; $startdate = new mongodate("2014-04-09 11:42:00"); $enddate = new mongodate("2014-04-09 11:43:00"); $result = $collection->find(array("dateandtime"=>array('$gte'=>$startdate,'$lte'=>$enddate))); echo $result->count(); foreach($result $doc){       echo $doc['client']."<br />"; } 

the script not return results. output script.

connection database datebase dns selected collection selected succsessfully 

i'm sure in have documents specified query because can see document when use:


your query wrong. mongodate expecting unix timestamp parameter in constructor:

$startdate = new mongodate(strtotime("2014-04-09 11:42:00")); $enddate = new mongodate(strtotime("2014-04-09 11:43:00")); 


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