javascript - I need to execute Java script function from c# code behind -

i need execute java script function c# code behind . using server control repeater , checking condition when condition true need run java script function turn hyper link display block javascript function

function myfunction(username) {   document.getelementbyid("hyp").style.display = "block"; } 

this code after condition if true call c# code behind method writetext() :

<%# eval("part2").tostring() == "part2" ? writetext(eval("albumtitle").tostring(), eval("albumtitle").tostring(), inc.tostring()) : writelink(eval("albumtitle").tostring(), eval("albumtitle").tostring())%>  protected string writetext(string pagedataid, string albumid, string a) {     clientscript.registerstartupscript(this.gettype(), "hwa", "myfunction('checkjj');", true);     string html = "";     html += "";     return html; } 

this c# call javascript function display html anchor block display none @ start

here anchor tag

<a id="hyp" name="hyp"  href="#" class="lightbox<%=inc+"b" %>">part ii</a> 

with html: <a id="hyp" name="hyp" ... add attribute runat="server". on server side can access object if server control.

there not need execute javascript on server side perform action need.

something on "itemdatabound" event repeater:

  void myrepeater_itemdatabound(object sender, repeateritemeventargs e) { string somevar = "somevalue"  ;              ((htmlanchor)e.item.findcontrol("hyp")).attributes.add ("css", "lightbox" + somevar);                  }   

in order use event don't forget add event , runat server attribute :

<asp:repeater id="myrepeater" runat="server" onitemdatabound="myrepeater_itemdatabound">         <a id="hyp" name="hyp"  href="#" runat="server">part ii</a>  </asp:repeater>   

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