javascript - return a PHP object to an ajax call -

i'm learning php oop, , getting used of these objects.

when create object in php file called via $.ajax function, want deliver answer back. how supposed send object ajax call ? before oop, putting array, json_encode() array, , worked perfectly. how adapt using oop?

thanks lot answers romain


on client side

$.ajax( {   url:"test.php",   type:"post",   datatype:"json",   success:function(json)   {     // json template   } }); 

on server side: test.php

require_once("bdd.php");  function loadclass($class) {     require $class.".class.php"; }  spl_autoload_register('loadclass');  $personnem = new personnemanager($db);  $perso = $personnem->get("123456");  $perso = serialize($perso); // ????????????  header('content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array("result",$perso)); 

either use serialize or __tostring create json-representation of data can send down tube. not needing array around object.

however, there error in json parsers/interpreters can mess data when not wrapped in array. haven't heared of issue since couple of years should safe


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