javascript - bootstrap navigation active links not working -

i'm trying make navigation active on active div, following example shows , hides correct divs doesn't add active class link:


<div class="list-group" id="admin-list">  <a href="#add-user" data-toggle="tab" class="list-group-item"> add user </a>  </div> 


$("#nav li a").on("click", navigation("#nav li"));  $("#admin-list a").on("click", navigation("#admin-list a"));  var foo = function(navigation) {     $(navigation).removeclass("active"); //remove "active" li     $("#home, #about, #contact", "#add-user").hide(); //hide "pages"     $($(this).prop("href")).show(); //show current target     $(this).addclass("active"); //set click active }; 

i think problem lies within


because not valid selector. if trying current link reference this:



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