javascript - angularjs - controller inheritance calling parent -

i have parent controller inside first module , "child" controller inside second module. second module has dependancy first. want "child" controller inherit "parent" controller. problem how call "parent" controller method.

for example:

 secondmodule.controller("childbrowsectrl", function($scope, $injector, $controller){         $injector.invoke(parentbrowsectrl, this, {$scope:$scope});          //this overrides onedit function parent         $scope.onedit = function(){             console.log("from edit console");              //how make work?             parentbrowsectrl.$scope.onedit();         };  }); 

the html structure:

 <html>    <head></head>     <body>       <div ng-view></div>    </body>     <script src="coreapp.js"></script>    <script src="mainapp.js"></script>     <script>      angular.bootstrap(document,["mainapp"]);    </script>     </html> 

this may work:

var parentonedit = $scope.onedit;  $scope.onedit = function() {     parentonedit(); }; 


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