Android Soft Keyboard Pushing Controls Up Titanium -

i can't seem figure out why appearance of soft keyboard whilst editing text field on android causes of controls pushed page. there way stop view or button being moved up? makes real mess!


registration = {}; registration.view = titanium.ui.createview({ top : 0, backgroundimage : getfilepath + 'bg.png', });  registration.init = function(view, name) {  var scrolview = titanium.ui.createscrollview({     top : viewtop,     height : ti.ui.size,     layout : 'vertical',     scrolltype : 'vertical',     showhorizontalscrollindicator : false }); registration.view.add(scrolview);  var profileview = ti.ui.createview({     top : 10,     height : 100,     width : 100,     //backgroundcolor : 'red', });  scrolview.add(profileview);  var profileimage = ti.ui.createimageview({     image : getfilepath + 'profilepicicon.png', });  profileview.add(profileimage);  var chooseprofileview = ti.ui.createview({     top : 8,     width : devicename == 'tab' ? '92.5%' : '92.5%',     height : devicename == 'tab' ? 75 : 60,  });  scrolview.add(chooseprofileview);  var chooseprofileimage = ti.ui.createview({     backgroundimage : getfilepath + 'chooseprofilebutton.png' });  chooseprofileview.add(chooseprofileimage);  var chooseprofilelabel = ti.ui.createlabel({     text : 'choose profile pic ',     color : '#e6e6e6',     font : {         fontsize : devicename == 'tab' ? 19 : 17,         //fontweight : 'bold',         fontfamily : os({             iphone : 'helvetica neue',             ipad : 'helvetica neue',             ipod : 'helvetica neue',             android : 'helveticaneue-webfont'         })     }, });  chooseprofileimage.add(chooseprofilelabel);  //alert(userdetailsinfodata[0].username);  var namesurnametextfield = titanium.ui.createtextfield({     borderstyle : ti.ui.input_borderstyle_rounded,     hinttext : 'name & surname*',     backgroundcolor : '#32302d',     color : 'white',     backgroundimage : 'none',     keyboardtoolbarheight : 30,     borderradius : 10,     bordercolor : '#3f4246',     borderwidth : 2,     paddingleft : 10,     width : '90%',     height : 55,     top : '1%',      //backgroundcolor:'green' });  scrolview.add(namesurnametextfield);  var emailtextfield = titanium.ui.createtextfield({     borderstyle : ti.ui.input_borderstyle_rounded,     hinttext : 'email address*',     backgroundcolor : '#32302d',     color : 'white',     backgroundimage : 'none',     keyboardtoolbarheight : 30,     borderradius : 10,     paddingleft : 10,     bordercolor : '#3f4246',     borderwidth : 2,     width : '90%',     height : 55,     top : '1%', });  scrolview.add(emailtextfield);  var cellnotextfield = titanium.ui.createtextfield({     borderstyle : ti.ui.input_borderstyle_rounded,     hinttext : 'cellphone number',     backgroundcolor : '#32302d',     color : 'white',     backgroundimage : 'none',     keyboardtoolbarheight : 30,     bordercolor : '#3f4246',     borderwidth : 2,     borderradius : 10,     paddingleft : 10,     width : '90%',     height : 55,     top : '1%',     keyboardtype : titanium.ui.keyboard_number_pad, });  scrolview.add(cellnotextfield);  //alert(userdetailsinfodata[0].username);  var displaynametextfield = titanium.ui.createtextfield({     borderstyle : ti.ui.input_borderstyle_rounded,     hinttext : 'display name*',     backgroundcolor : '#32302d',     color : 'white',     backgroundimage : 'none',     keyboardtoolbarheight : 30,     borderradius : 10,     bordercolor : '#3f4246',     borderwidth : 2,     paddingleft : 10,     width : '90%',     height : 55,     top : '1%' });  scrolview.add(displaynametextfield);  }; 

i followed link problem remains same.

any solution? 

i have never tried titanium before, in normal java android development. add code manifest under related activity tag.

<activity android:name="your-activity-name" android:windowsoftinputmode="adjustpan" ... 

i read there custom androidmanifest.xml in titanuim 3.x.. hope works you.


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