html - Modifying content width of the Sphinx theme 'Read the Docs' -

i using 'read docs' sphinx theme documentation. in original theme, given below

the content or main layout width designed mobile friendly. however, project bit more wide. not know html , hence appreciate if 1 give me clues increase content (layout) width.

another option create stylesheet in source/_static css want, e.g.

.wy-nav-content {     max-width: none; } 


.wy-nav-content {     max-width: 1200px !important; } 

make sure directory referenced in source/ - believe default there's line this, i.e.

# add paths contain custom static files (such style sheets) here, # relative directory. copied after builtin static files, # file named "default.css" overwrite builtin "default.css". html_static_path = ['_static'] 

then create custom layout in source/_templates/layout.html , include stylesheet

{% extends "!layout.html" %} {% block extrahead %}     <link href="{{ pathto("_static/style.css", true) }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> {% endblock %} 

assuming called stylesheet style.css


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