jsf - Tooltip for h:message is conflicting with the tooltip of the inputfield -

for inputfields have richface tooltip. works fine. when put invalid input in field goes wrong.

to customize h:message tooltip if have added there richface tooltip. according following solution: community.jboss.org

<h:message id="#{cc.attrs.id}id_tooltip"      for="#{inputid}"     styleclass="inputfield_error inplace"      tooltip="true"      showdetail="true"      showsummary="true" />  <rich:tooltip id="#{inputid}_err_tt" target="#{cc.attrs.id}id_tooltip" styleclass="tooltip" layout="block">     <rich:message id="#{inputid}_msg_tt" for="#{inputid}" showdetail="true" showsummary="false" styleclass="inp_err_tt" /> </rich:tooltip> 

the input component:

<h:inputtext     value="#{cc.attrs.managedbean.formfield(cc.attrs.id).value}"      id="#{inputid}">     <a4j:ajax event="change" execute="@this" render="#{cc.attrs.managedbean.actionform.renderids}"/> </h:inputtext>  <rich:tooltip target="#{cc.attrs.inputtxt}" id="#{tooltipid}" showdelay="300" styleclass="tooltip" layout="block">     <h:outputtext class="tt_val" value="#{cc.attrs.inputvalue}" rendered="#{!bean.hasmessages(rich:clientid(cc.attrs.inputtxt))}"/>     <rich:message id="#{inputid}_err_tt"              for="#{inputid}" showdetail="true"              showsummary="false" styleclass="inp_err_tt"             rendered="#{cc.attrs.managedbean.hasmessages(rich:clientid(cc.attrs.inputtxt))}" /> </rich:tooltip> 



(for screenshot purpose put tooltip="true" in h:message)

it works perfect if refrest page... (when input gets invalid). doesnt work 'realtime'. looks me kind of rerender issue.

only <h:message id="#{cc.attrs.id}id_tooltip" ... /> rerendered 'realtime'. want tooltips rerender. how manage that?


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