c++ - Clear input command line? -

i'm making console application. starts menu if press key; 1. menu changes menu screen. note, without me pressing 'enter'. means 1 still remains, bad when stepping down further in menus.

how clear input command line?

the function im using.

if(getasynckeystate('1'))         {             ieventdataptr gamestate(gcc_new evtdata_set_game_state("pregamestate"));             em->vtriggerevent(gamestate); //enter line clearing code.         } 

the function getasynckeystate gives "the current state of key". return true between point when keyboard driver has received "key 1 has been pressed" until keyboard driver receives "key 1 has been released".

i suggest use readconsoleinput instead if want 1 keypress @ time.

the alternative use this:

 while(getasynckeystate('1'))  {      // nothing.   } 

to wait key released.


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