c# - Click first email using selenium -

i trying login hotmail, , click first email shown in emails box. problem, when i'm trying find first email.

i've tried in lot of different ways, i've wanted make test finding list items li, i've made simple function:

public void clickfirstemail()         {             var lis = driver.findelements(by.tagname("li")); //this raising exception             foreach (var li in lis)             {                 messagebox.show(li.text);             }         } 

whenever try access elements, exception: permission denied access property '__qosid'

i've seen answers here on stackoverflow, guess right when running selenium server.

i start driver this:

driver = new firefoxdriver(); 

any ideas on how right ?

the whole plan click first email.

update: i've tried 1 more time, , worked, gave me error now: element no longer attached dom on messagebox.show line.

i thinking page (javascript) loading/changing new stuff, ?


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