c++ - Pthread member function with arguments -

i'm trying use pthreads classes. i've read best solution use threads member functions define static helper function , call thread function inside. requires 'this' pointer passed argument pthread_create. how implement if original thread function has argument? there way pass multiple arguments pthread_create?

you cannot pass multiple arguments pthread_create, can pack multiple arguments struct create purpose of packing arguments. make struct "private" implementation defining in cpp file, rather in header. pass pointer of struct pthread_create, "unpack" in helper call member function.

let's assume thread implementation member function threadrun defined follows:

int myclass::threadrun(int arg1, string arg2) {     ...        // useful work     return 42; // return important number } 

to call function, define thread_args struct this:

struct thread_args {     myclass *instance;     int arg1;     string arg2; }; 

now helper function can defined follows:

void* thread_helper(void *voidargs) {     thread_args *args = (thread_args*)voidargs;     int res = args->instance->threadrun(args->arg1, args->arg2);     return new int(res); // return `int` pointer pass thread runner's results } 

the function starts thread this:

... myclass runner; thread_args args; args.instance = &runner; args.arg1 = 123; args.arg2 = "hello"; pthread_t thread_id; int s = pthread_create(&thread_id, null, &thread_helper, &targs); 


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