Java webstart complaining about missing jar that isn't in my library anymore (Netbeans) -

i've stumbled on strange behavior when running java app through webstart. used have itext jars added project in netbeans 7.3.1. recently, removed these jars libraries (via project properties) did not use anymore. i've rebuild project (with code-signing certificate), had no errors whatsoever , put new update online.

now, when open app first time through java webstart (jnlp), receive following error (from java console):

... basic: exception: unable load resource: http://<my url>/lib/itextpdf-5.3.1-javadoc.jar. exitexception[ 3] unable load resource: http://<my url>/lib/itextpdf-5.3.1-javadoc.jar @ sun.plugin2.applet.jnlp2manager.downloadresources(unknown source) @ sun.plugin2.applet.jnlp2manager.preparelaunchfile(unknown source) @ sun.plugin2.applet.jnlp2manager.loadjarfiles(unknown source) @ sun.plugin2.applet.plugin2manager$ source) @ source) ignored exception: exitexception[ 3] unable load resource: http://<my url>/lib/itextpdf-5.3.1-javadoc.jar ... 

other jars downloaded without issues. have searched in project if have false references particular jar don't find anything. there no reference in jnlp file, no reference in file, no reference in private.propterties file, ...

the second time launch app, starts without giving errormessage...

any ideas issue or else can check?

thanks in advance!


it looks issue disappears when disable "keep temporary files on computer". when re-enable it, issue reappears... running javaws -clearcache not seem help..


so, i'm still trying pinpoint exact cause of problem, i've created new javafx project in netbeans 7.4. copied src folder old project folder new one, re-opened new project in netbeans 7.4 , fixed missing jars , libraries. have rebuild project , put online , still have same issue (with caching on), however, not itext jar, one:

exitexception[ 3] unable load resource: http://<my url>/lib/asm-all-repackaged-2.1.88.jar @ sun.plugin2.applet.jnlp2manager.downloadresources(unknown source) @ sun.plugin2.applet.jnlp2manager.preparelaunchfile(unknown source) @ sun.plugin2.applet.jnlp2manager.loadjarfiles(unknown source) @ sun.plugin2.applet.plugin2manager$ source) @ source) 

that jar indeed not in lib folder, have not added anywhere in project without me knowing is. app makes use of jersey 1.8 (not 2) handle rest requests. has has it? info of great value.

ok, have found solution... it's silly i'm glad got solved:

  • the problem itext jar fixed creating new project
  • the issue other jars missing (asm-all-repackaged-2.1.88.jar, ...) due fact jersey 2.0 , jax-rs 2.0 libraries not added newly created project. find pretty strange thou because did add jersey-bundle-1.18.jar (so should use 1 no?)

however still find strange app worked java cache disabled (and without jersey 2.0 , jax-rs 2.0 lib), why did not give error while launching , when cache enabled?

anyway, problem solved if has time clarify this, please go ahead :)


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