hadoop - zookeeper.znode.parent mismatch exception -

i have installed hadoop 2.2.0 & hbase-0.94.18 on ubuntu 12.04. when try run command

create 't1','c1' 

in hbase shell, following error-

error client.hconnectionmanager$hconnectionimplementation:  check value configured in 'zookeeper.znode.parent'.  there mismatch 1 configured in master. 

what's wrong?

a few things in no particular order:

  • to start with, let error display continue. try 7 times , exit. before exits, show name of exception occurring. try up. says masternotrunningexception.
  • verify master indeed running doing $sudo jps. should see entry hmaster. if not, start hbase-master service.
  • assuming you're going pseudo-distributed mode, may want check /etc/hosts make sure entries point , not
  • for cloudera's installs, here guide on how setup hbase in pseudo-distributed mode. includes instructions install hbase-master , zookeeper correctly.


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