ios - Size of UIView subclass depending on device -

i've created subclass of uiview bunch of subviews in (uilabels, uibuttons) arrange using autolayout. done programmatically. displays ok , functionallity ok. i've seen worries me.

if have size of iphone 3.5" on interface builder , run 3.5" simulator, ok. if have 4" size on simulator , 4" size on interface builder, ok. however, if size of simulator , size of interface builder not match, uiview subclass either short or large.

i have 3.5" iphone available, cannot test on device 4" screen.

do need worry or normal behaviour? if need worry, how can fix it? commented, not set size on code done autolayout reference of self.bounds.size.width, instance.

any thougths? in advance!

they're skewed because you're loading 3.5" interface on 4" device , vice versa. long simulator , device automatically picks screen size , load corresponding layout without explicitly changing these around, work fine. you're creating problem don't need solve.


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