php - Facebook API not returning message_tags to application -

i have created application using facebook api. application plan on getting user feed of authenticated users. have set extended permissions read_stream know that's not problem. have checked in graph explorer running following query:


when run above query in graph explorer returns request fine when run following query php sdk in application doesn't return message_tags

here query:

$user_feed = $facebook->api("/{$user['userid']}/feed?fields=id,message,message_tags,likes.fields(id,name),created_time,shares,from&limit=3000&access_token={$user['accesstoken']}"); 

and yes have valid accesstoken , userid, because when put query in graph explorer return should.

so, question why isn't being returned when query application?


ps: have 1 file authenticating user app , file using userid , accesstoken data of user ... above problem in separate file im using user data

further more went following link , found isn't giving proper results...,message,message_tags,likes.fields(id,name),created_time,shares,from&limit=3000&access_token=xxxxxxxx 

it returns posts doesn't return likes of posts , doesn't return of mention_tags


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