java - Eclipse: Getting error when adding external class / jar files to build path: "XYZ Cannot be resolved to a type" -

i working java , eclipse, both bit out of comfort zone (yup , assignment...).

i have 2 class files need use in project. far have tried:

attempt #1

i tried adding external class folder:

  1. in project folder have added classes\legacy folder.
  2. in properties > java build path > libraries clicked on add external class folder
  3. in window opened selected classes folder created in step 1.
  4. in code have added import legacy.*;

can use classes in class files getting following errors:
(seems occur when classes attempting use 1 another)

the project not built since build path incomplete. cannot find class file ishkesher. fix build path try building project

the type ishkesher cannot resolved. indirectly referenced required .class files

note: tried class folder - same results.

enter image description here

attempt #2

someone suggested using jar files should easier, gave try:

  1. created jar file containing class files: jar cvf classes.jar contactslist.class ishkesher.class
  2. added jar file build path using this tutorial.

getting error each usage of classes in jar file:

xyz cannot resolved type

enter image description here

any ideas how make class files available in code?

turned out attempt #2 worked once using source files in default package (cannot figure out why though...).

try instructions.

if don't want include copy of borat.jar, want reference external folder, 1 step -

no copy step -

your java project > right click > build path > configure  build path > add external jars button > select jar  > ok.  

if want jar become part of java app, ie create copy of jar in java app, use steps below.

step 1- create lib folder in app store jars

your java project > right click > new folder > folder name = lib 

step 2 - import copies of necessary jars lib folder

your java project > lib folder > right click > import > general -->  file system > directory = directory stored jar files. > should see jars in folder. lets want import  borat.jar > finish. 

step 3 - check if step 2 done correctly

your java project > lib folder > expand lib folder see  contents. borat.jar should listed there. nice !  

step 4 - finally, add jars project

your java project > lib folder > right click > build path > configure  build path > add jars button > expand project > expand lib folder > select borat.jar > ok.  


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