javascript - Angularjs $http and progress bar -

i need upload file , use $http (this code .service() function):

sendfile: function (params) {             return $http({method : 'post',                 url : 'http://xxxxxxxxxxxxx/rest/file.json',                 headers : { 'x-csrf-token' : $cookies['csrftoken']},                 data : params             })         }, 

now, little file , line there no problem, big file and/or bad/slow line there problem of ui: user can not know when upload end. need progress bar.

so have search on internet, have not found solution. there possibility progress/notification $http ?

i have tried code without luck:

profileservice.sendfile(data)                     .then(function(ret) {                             var uri =;                             scope.content = "upload finished";                              scope.postform.fid =;                             scope.postform.buttondisabled = false;                         },                         function(error) {                             scope.postform.showerror = true;                             scope.postform.errormsg =;                         },                         function(progress) {                             console.log("inside progress");                             console.log(progress)                         }                     ); 

“progress” function never called.

i'm using angular 1.2.x


you can use angular loading bar. works automatically $http requests , not need setup except adding app dependency.

angular.module('app', ['angular-loading-bar']); // that's 


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