javascript - What is the different between calling a function like this CH.home.init({}) or CH.home.init()? -

i know if there different between calling function this


or calling normal function?


here's context it's in:

var ch = ch || {};   ch.core = function () {         ch.home.init({});     }, ... ch.home = function () {     function init(a) {        $.extend(k, a)          ...                  var k = {                         adatas: null,                         loaderid: "home",                         transitionease: "cubic-bezier(0.18, 0.11, 0.3, 1)",                         timer: null,                         nbrandom: 1,                         ratioimg: .625,                         opacityoff: .35,                         speedopacity: 400,                         delayhome: 2500,                         indexbkg: 0,                         $logo: $("h1"),                         $nav: $("nav"),                         $lineh: $("span.lineh"),                         $linev: $("span.linev"),                         imgs: [{                             src: "chny.jpg",                             align: "top"                         }, {                             src: "ch.jpg",                             align: "top"                         }, {                             src: "212.jpg",                             align: "top"                         }, {                             src: "house.jpg",                             align: "middle"                         }]                     }; 

obviously, argument different. in init({}) you're passing empty object literal, while in init() you're passing nothing. whether makes difference in outcome depends on init function does, unfortunately have not shown us.

it not seem make difference in init function, parameter used extend k object. if nothing passed, a undefined, , $.extend nothing k - as when extending no keys.


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