
Showing posts from June, 2012

Force Sync for Roaming Settings for Windows -

is there way force roaming settings , files sync? i using applicationdata.current.roamingsettings.values and/or applicationdata.current.roamingfolder store settings , saved games. what way force pull roaming profile app when app starts, , push when app loses focus. casual sync @ point not quick enough. should giveup , write own sync onedrive? there no apis available 3rd party developers allowing them change roaming settings. should obvious, it's user control data consumption, not 3rd party applications.

ruby - Rails database date issues -

my web app has 2 date_select parameters in. these should passed db searching later on. cannot function. see can see inspection parameters being passed date(3i) (2i) (1i). when create migrate file tables in fails if try add (3i) etc.. i've read in rails need manipulate in controller. i'm trying failing miserably. have thought basic attribute of db table. dates etc.. any pointers? code need see. here parameters i'm passing... "date(3i)"=>"19", "date(2i)"=>"4", "date(1i)"=>"2014", "date_of_change(3i)"=>"19", "date_of_change(2i)"=>"4", "date_of_change(1i)"=>"2014", class createposts < activerecord::migration def change create_table :posts |t| t.text :title t.text :requester t.text :requester_email t.text :customer t.text :contact t.text :customer_email t.text :customer_phone t.string :type_of_change

c# - Geopoint, Geocoordinate, Geoposition or GeoCoordinate on Windows Store & Windows Phone apps? -

i'm confused i'm supposed use? using geocoordinate in windows phone 8, doesn't exist in windows store 8.1. going use geoposition, saw visual studio underlined , said not supported later. which 1 should use maintain best compatibility between windows store , windows phone apps? all need work on latitude , longitudes. using windows.devices.geolocation; //is key using necessary newer "merged runtime" link shows source related windows phone based on example ms using newer api, believe there slight differences in code win8.1 usage well. this assumes windows phone 8.1 or windows 8.1, believe windows phone silverlight 8.1 uses older method still ( wrong haven't updated of projects yet).

c# - object cannot be cast from DB Null or other types -

i have datagridview in windows want calculate total amount using datagridview cell(from qty,price,tax,discount) values , display in total gridview cell. getting error.i had taken nullable type overcome problem. ? here cellendedit event code private void datagrid_cellendedit(object sender, datagridviewcelleventargs e) { int val1 = convert.toint32(datagrid.rows[e.rowindex].cells[2].value); int val2 = convert.toint32(datagrid.rows[e.rowindex].cells[3].value); int val3 = convert.toint32(datagrid.rows[e.rowindex].cells[4].value); int val4 = convert.toint32(datagrid.rows[e.rowindex].cells[5].value); datagrid.rows[e.rowindex].cells[6].value = ((val2 + val3) * val1) - val4; } the issue have if 1 of cells dbnull.value. check see if cell not equal dbnull.value, , convert in. if value infact true null, assume setting value 0 fine. int value1 = datagrid.rows[e.rowind

c# - Entity Framework 6.0 Decoupling Implementing From POCOs -

lets have couple basic objects , interfaces them: interface icar { int id { get; set; } int driverid { get; set; } idriver driver { get; set; } } class car: icar { int id { get; set; } [foreignkey("driver")] int driverid { get; set; } idriver driver { get; set; } } if use implementing class of "driver" instead of "idriver" happy (so lets ignore i'm missing additional configuration other values), using idriver ends error: the property 'driver' cannot configured navigation property. property must valid entity type , property should have non-abstract getter , setter. collection properties type must implement icollection t valid entity type. so far understand entity doesn't support in way, options are: hard couple poco interfaces entity, throwing wrench testability , portability, welp. add transition layer between pocos , entity objects (bleh). throw entity out, sort of work around nasty linq2sql im

sql - mysql crashes when alter table -

i using mysql version 6.1.4 , windows 7 i have empty table want drop column , foreign key. when try apply changes workbench crashes , when try stop mysql returns error error 2013: lost connection mysql server during query sql statement: alter table `teste_db`.`search_products` drop foreign key `product_id_id_refs_id_aa2f4dab` error: error when running failback script. details follow. error 2006: mysql server has gone away i have looked around lot , not find clue... thanks in advance help! please follow steps , if dont if myisam table repair first , check table . where empty table , check if index present delete that, try , if still not work please paste table structure , table engine name.

javascript - Is readFileSync() during initialization of a Node.js web app a bad approach? -

there few static html-snippet files conditionally include in web pages node app serves. thinking of having cache map these snippets, include @ top of express's app.js file: var cache = object.create(null); cache['404'] = fs.readfilesync('path/to/404.html'); cache['weekend'] = fs.readfilesync('path/to/weekend.html'); this code runs during initialization (i.e. whenever node app (re)started). wonder if using readfilesync() in context bad approach. for comparison, analogous async approach: var cache = object.create(null); fs.readfile('path/to/404.html', function (err, data) { cache['404'] = data; }); fs.readfile('path/to/weekend.html', function (err, data) { cache['weekend'] = data; }); in long-running program, performing synchronous request on startup fine. problem synchronous request block entire application. while individual requests suffer if have wait 0.1 seconds response, whole applic

datetime - PHP date format with intl-aware day suffix? -

sorry if dupe - lots of similar questions if find exact answer wouldn't asking :) note i'm coming .net , php newbie, there may noob-scale errors. i able output e.g. new datetime('2014-01-01 13:15:00') as: 'wednesday 1st of january 2014 @ 1:15pm' (possible - non-localized) or 'mercredi 1er janvier 2014 à 13h15' (not possible?). basically, there seems no iso formatting equivalent php's 's' date format specifier, nor there 1 strftime? the intldateformatter::full comes close - 'wednesday, 1 january' or 'mercredi 1 janvier' not english (or french) - seems closest can get? live without 'on', 'the' , 'at' if had to, ordinal suffixes nice. ('wednesday 1 january' - what's that, beginning poem?) i did see one example on strftime section comments on addressing issue (which seems suggest issue) - seemed add english suffixes, didn't seem use? i'd simple method takes utc dat

ssl - PHP function getimagesize() gives "Read error" when trying to get https url -

i trying use getimagesize url , http fine. when trying use function on https url getting "read error" notice , false result. checked , have openssl 0.98 installed on server (so should working https well). know can download image first , use seems me should work , missing something. please provide me solution (other downloading image first , opening it) ? thank in advance. you can use file_get_contents() alternate solution.. <?php $filename='something'; file_put_contents($filename,file_get_contents($url)); $size = getimagesize($filename); var_dump($size);

android - How to integrate an installed application inside my app in a given view -

i want open installed application inside app in given view. want use button @ top left corner , installed application should loaded below button view. how can implement this? you can link app another . can't open app inside web view. cannot.

python - redis-py AttributeError: 'PubSub' object has no attribute 'get_message' -

i write code in windows command line. code redis-py's github page . i don't know how happens,so i. dir(p) the result is: i cannot find "get_message". redis version -2.9.1. get_message not part of 2.9.1 release. part of future 2.10.0 release for 2.9.1 should use .listen() method.

html - readHTMLTable in R -

i trying read html table in r, , perform further analysis on it. found readhtmltable() in r. when download table interested in, , try perform analysis on it, given reply vector null, , having troubles converting numeric can perform averages, , further calculations on. if has ideas help, great! attach code below. many thanks alex a=readhtmltable("",which=3,trim=f,colclasses) summary(a) a=droplevels(a) summary(a) following works me: require(xml) appurl <- "" xdata <- htmlparse(appurl) appstats <- readhtmltable(xdata['//table'][[3]]) > head(appstats) structure(c("p - boston", "z - anaheim", "y - colorado", "x - st. louis", div gp w l ot p row gf ga diff home away s/o 1 1

python - Breaking and resuming in the middle of a function? -

i working on final programming project , attempting create battleship. thing have yet program automatic intelligence. way works far guessing 2 random integers 1 11 pick random space on grid. once hits something, have rules created check on sides until has sunk entire ship. issue this, computer take 8 turns @ time. need somehow jump out of function, main run function, resume left off next turn. there way this, or there better , entirely different way take turns? this turns function looks like. user_guess function works fine, checks see if have won game. thinking() purely aesthetic, comp_guess function have questions about, checks see if have lost. recalls itself. def turns(): user_guess() if win_game==true: return ('you win!') thinking() comp_guess() if lose_game==true: return ('you lose!') turns() then far, have comp_guess function is: def comp_guess(): comp_in1=random.ra

image processing - Simple Greyscale (dot product) inconsistencies with OpenMP -

i'm trying speed of image processing loops in jni of openmp. i'm using ndk r9c. the issue i'm facing output has artifacts. can see them in attached image. acceleration not great either (around 30%), figure issues related. my basic dot product loop greyscale pasted below. #pragma omp parallel shared(src,dst,size) private(i) for(i=0; < size*4; i+=4) { pixel[0] = src[i+0]; pixel[1] = src[i+1]; pixel[2] = src[i+2]; pixel[3] = src[i+3]; acc = clamppix((mat[0]*pixel[0] + mat[1]*pixel[1] +mat[2]*pixel[2])>>shift); dst[i+0] = (acc); dst[i+1] = (acc); dst[i+2] = (acc); dst[i+3] = 255; } can me identify what's going wrong?

jquery - Why my easypie number don't show inside? -

i'm using easypie plugin. but, number isn't showing inside pie , don't know why. try many things. how put number inside pie? i'm using css: jsfiddle .easychart { position: relative; text-align: center; margin:10px; } your css fine: .easychart { position: relative; text-align: center; margin:10px; } you forgot bring in required css file . check update: jsfiddle . please see documentation .

JQuery UI Autocomplete from Coffeescript -

i'm trying use jquery ui's autocomplete , have following code $( '#searchbar' ).autocomplete source: ( request, response ) -> $.ajax({ url: "$$ apiurl pt.casemanagement $$/case/search" }) success: ( data ) -> response([ { label: "example", value: 'testing'} ]) i'm waiting success , injecting random label , value response testing purposes. bar sending , getting 200. can see values server, whatever reason doesnt seem being populated in searchbar. should able (as far understand) type 'e' , see 'example' auto suggested, right? does syntax seem wrong? your syntax indeed wrong. main issue indentation. blocks defined indentation in coffeescript, wanted this: $( '#searchbar' ).autocomplete source: ( request, response ) -> $.ajax({ url: "$$ apiurl pt.casemanagement $$/case/search" success: ( data ) -> response([

css - Trying to control width and right-align, only one works -

my knowledge of css non-existent, i'm trying spruce wordpress site , can't seem text both width and right aligned. either 1 works on own, when use p{text-align: right;} p {height:100px; width:300px;} the width correct alignment goes default (left). i'm sure not how make effect work, again pretty foreign me , appreciate help. the wordpress theme has box custom css, , sake of completeness i'm using: body {color:#757575;} {color:#ff0000;} p{font-family: verdana, geneva, sans-serif;} p{text-align: right;} p {height:100px; width:300px;} { font-family: century gothic, sans-serif;} h2{font-family: century gothic, sans-serif;} h2{color:#000000;} h2{text-align:right} nav {font-family: century gothic, sans-serif;} a:link {color:#000000;} a:visited {color:#000000;} a:hover {color:#000000;} a:active {color:#000000;} maybe wordpress css has css rule overrides yours. keep in mind if theme css have eg. css rule: .paragraph p{ text-

sublimetext2 - sublime text 3 code folder short cut key definition is not working -

i trying use code folding command, short-cut not working. have use menu, not convenient. what "," mean in short cut? tried short cut on both side of ",". not working. command + k not working. i think reason there conflict here: then try configure unique short cut key, not woriking. here configure [ {"keys":["super+;"],"command": "run_macro_file", "args": {"file":"packages/user/semicolon.sublime-macro"}}, { "keys": ["ctrl+enter"], "command": "open_in_browser"}, { "keys": ["alt+d"], "command": "goto_definition" }, { "keys": ["command+9"], "command": "fold_level_9" } // here definition ] can please tell me did wrong? how make code folding short-cut work? thank you! ⌘ k , ⌘ 3 means hit ⌘ k , release both buttons, hit ⌘ 3 . sublime all

loops - How how can I make AI only move towards objects that are active in the scene(Unity Engine) -

hi i'm working on restaurant strategy game customers come in , buy things. have created array of transform type objects act way points , customer move towards way points active in scene. i'm thinking of doing using loop or while loop every way point not active, move next way point , check see if active. i'm not sure if correct way because can't seem work. anyways use help. thanks! var waypoints : transform[]; var waypoint : transform; var currentwaypoint : int; var agent : navmeshagent; var script1 : slideoutmenu; function awake(){ agent = gameobject.getcomponent.<navmeshagent>(); agent.speed = random.range(2.5, 5); script1 = gameobject.find("guielements").getcomponent(slideoutmenu); } function update () { waypoint = waypoints[currentwaypoint]; agent.setdestination(waypoint.position); } function ontriggerexit(other : collider){ if ( == "0 start"){ currentwaypoint = random.range(1, 2); } } function ontriggerenter (oth

c# - Working of await in Async await -

consider asynchronous ( *async / async ) function called twice, 1 time await , other without it. if use await, wait until asynchronous function executed , execute next line? await db.savechangesasync(); //some code here and, if don't use await , continue executing code below without waiting asynchronous function complete? db.savechangesasync(); //some code here am, right on here or await mandatory when comes async functions? if use await, wait till async function executed , execute next line. that depends on method returns. returns task[<t>] , represents future value. if task completed, keeps running synchronously. otherwise, remaining portion of current method added continuation - delegate callback invoked when asynchronous portion reports completion. what not do, in either case, block calling thread while asynchronous part continues. and, if don't use await, continue executing code below without waiting async function complete

regex - how to do recursive replacement with incremented alphanumeric value in a file using sed/awk/perl -

how can make shell script using sed or awk recursive replacement of same value incremented alphanumeric values , inside again recursive incremented alphanumeric values. should happen till nth value end of file ---input file follow---- <first line has same value testname="tran cont" enabled="true"> <inner first line has url testname="/" enabled="true"> <inner second line has url testname="/test/dui/views?" enabled="true"> <first line has same value testname="tran cont" enabled="true"> <inner first line has url testname="/test/tedi/perf" enabled="true"> <inner second line has url testname="/dest/content/surf" enabled="true"> <inner third line has url testname="/cest/dui/duff" enabled="true"> <first line has same value testname="tran cont" enabled="true">

android - why fragment can't hide bottom bar -

why fragment can't hide bottom bar but activity can hide top , bottom use following code : view decorview = getwindow().getdecorview(); int uioptions = view.system_ui_flag_hide_navigation| view.system_ui_flag_fullscreen; decorview.setsystemuivisibility(uioptions); getactionbar().hide(); fragment side didn't work i try answer 1 still not work when touch fragment area show top , bottom ,let me confused lot following code: (fragment side) @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { view decorview = getactivity().getwindow().getdecorview(); int uioptions = view.system_ui_flag_hide_navigation|view.system_ui_flag_fullscreen; decorview.setsystemuivisibility(uioptions); getactivity().getactionbar().hide(); } @override public view oncreateview(layoutinflater inflater, viewgroup container, bundle savedinstancestate) { view rootview = inflater.inflate(r.layout.fragment_ge, container, false); return rootview; }

c# - How to pass Datatable to SQL Server using -

i working on web application passing datatable application sql server stored procedure. my table in sql server student(id bigint, name nvarchar(max), reg bigint). in table, id primary key , auto incremented. c# code pass datatable stored procedure on button click is: protected void btnsubmit_click(object sender, eventargs e) { try { datatable dt = new datatable("student"); dt.columns.add("reg", typeof(long)); dt.columns.add("name", typeof(string)); // create new row (int = 0; < 3; i++) { datarow newrow = dt.newrow(); if (i == 0) { newrow["name"] = "raunak"; newrow["reg"] = convert.toint64(1); ; } if (i == 1) { newrow["name"] = "vikash"; newrow["reg"] = convert.toint64(1);

refresh - Stop listview from updating previous items and only update current items -

i new here. few months started learn android , want create listview , parent & child relationship, when clicking parent value in child value should me modified. did. problem when clicking 1st parent it's working fine while clicking 1 values getting refresh. my code //int slno = 1; int rs; int pcount =1; int finalrs; string ip_address, url, tableno, itmename; private string item_name = "itemname"; private string item_price = "price"; int in, totalqut , totalv; string strvalp; //public activity activity; //initialize variables private static final string str_checked = " has checked!"; private static final string str_unchecked = " has unchecked!"; private int parentclickstatus=-1; private int childclickstatus=-1; private arraylist<par

javascript - Audio Player in HTML 5 not working properly in chrome.(Forward & Rewind play) -

i having problem in running html5 audio player in working fine in ie 9+ , firefox. have written javascript functions forwarding , rewinding audio player on f7 & f8 key press,its woring fine in ie , ff reasons not working in chrome.following code. $(document).keydown(function (e) { if (e.keycode == 118) { rewindaudio(); return false; } else if (e.keycode == 119) { forwardaudio(); return false; } } // rewinds audio file 30 seconds. function rewindaudio() { // check audio element support. if (window.htmlaudioelement) { try { var oaudio = audioplayerinfocus[0]; oaudio.currenttime -= 1.0; } catch (e) { // fail silently show in f12 developer tools console if (window.console && console.error("error:" + e)); } } } // fast forwards

php echo variable stored in mysql field -

i'm trying find out how can echo variable name stored in mysql database. example: in field 'variable' of table have stored: $target["year"] php code: $target["year"]="2013"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo $row['variable']; // output should 2013 } i read article variables variable on can't find solution problem

jquery - Check @media rule with javascript by detecting css rule -

i know matchmedia.js thinking detect current @media rule easy this. however, it's not working in firefox – (which means it's not correct in first place...) looking @ now, shouldn't content on :after pseudo element? advice? have codepen here: css #test { content: "small" } @media screen , (min-width: $bp1) { #test { content: "medium" } } jquery var sizecheck = function() { if ( $("#test").css('content') === 'small') { $('.proof').text('jquery knows page small reading css @media rules.'); } else if ( $("#test").css('content') === 'medium') { $('.proof').text('jquery knows page medium reading css @media rules.'); } }; // run function on document ready $(document).ready(sizecheck); // , run function on window resize event $(window).resize(sizecheck); you've got quite interesting test there! to answer question: ye

python - Server sent events with Flask and Tornado -

i have been playing around sending server sent events flask , tornado. took @ blog article: i decided try writing own flask app send server sent events exercise. here code flask app called #! /usr/bin/python flask import flask, request, response, render_template tornado.wsgi import wsgicontainer tornado.httpserver import httpserver tornado.ioloop import ioloop app = flask(__name__) def event_stream(): count = 0 while true: print 'data: {0}\n\n'.format(count) yield 'data: {0}\n\n'.format(count) count += 1 @app.route('/my_event_source') def sse_request(): return response( event_stream(), mimetype='text/event-stream') @app.route('/') def page(): return render_template('index.html') if __name__ == '__main__': print "please open web browser" # spin app http_serv

android - MediaRecorder start failing -

i start failed: -19 when try run following code, pretty sure have elements need begin video capture, have surfaceview set camera preview , below rest of code initialized in @override public void surfacecreated( surfaceholder surfaceholder ) i e/mediarecorder﹕ start failed: -19 when trying run method starts recorder. there else need add before starting actual recorder? if(mcamera == null) { mcamera =; mcamera.unlock(); } if(mrecorder == null) mrecorder = new mediarecorder(); try { mrecorder.setcamera( mcamera ); mrecorder.setvideosource(; mrecorder.setaudiosource(mediarecorder.audiosource.mic); mrecorder.setoutputformat(mediarecorder.outputformat.mpeg_4); //audio mrecorder.setaudioencoder(mediarecorder.audioencoder.amr_nb); //video mrecorder.setvideoencoder(mediarecorder.videoencoder.mpeg_4_sp);

css - Convert a horizontal menu into vertical -

i have horizontal menu need convert vertical menu (using @media when width below threshold). i working on menu provided here however not able convert menu vertical one. tried display:inline; , position:relative not working. any appreciated. have got relevant code in fiddle . thanks as per have understood when use on mobile device want make navigation vertical, if case can use media queries eg : @media (max-width: 600px) { li {float: none !important;}} you can reffer note: there no need use important demo

ruby on rails - Heroku and Development behaving differently -

i have app runs bug fixes correctly on dev machine. stopped using sqlite3 , use pg in local machine. i deployed app new heroku app still behaves differently on production , development. here how push heroku. >git commit files have modified > git push origin master > git push heroku master the other difference pg on local machine 9.3.2 , pg on heroku seems 9.3.3 same code behaves in differently. appreciated. def pro_user @pro_user = subscription.where(:email => rescue activerecord::recordnotfound end view code follows : <% if current_user %> <% if pro_user.empty? %> <!-- not premium user logged in user free stuff --> <% else %> <!-- premium user display --> <% end %> <% else %> <!-- not logged in--> <% end %>

apache - How to change date format in solr yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ into " yyyy-mm-dd"? -

i want change default date format in solr "yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ssz" "yyyy-mm-dd". change date format file should change inside solr folder? , configuration file can configure date foramt? the date format used restricted form of canonical representation of datetime in xml schema specification . can not change solr default date format. and schema.xml file configure date field. example: <field name="date" datetimeformat="yyyy-mm-dd't'hh:mm:sss'z'" indexed="true" multivalued="false" stored='true' type="date"> </field>

Read video using VideoReader function in Matlab? -

i want read video folder , extract frames it.i used vidoereader function.but gives code shown below along error. mov=videoreader('11.mp4'); vidframes=read(mov); nframes=mov.numberofframes; i=1:nframes imshow(vidframes(:,:,i),[]); end and error show given below error using videoreader/init file not appear have video data. error in videoreader (line 147) obj.init(filename); error in video (line 7) mov=videoreader('11.mp4'); i think matlab version related problem. faced same problem when using matlab 2013a . however, when changed matlab 2014b problem disappeared.

mysql - Following SQL query returns resultset for only available months, how to get all month if data is not present? -

following query gives result-set available months , how can months if data not present . eg:- apr-2013 , may-2013 having value june-2013 no value how can june-2013 in result set total 0 . select concat(substr(monthname(fileddate) , 1, 3) , "-", year(fileddate)) month, count(*) carstore store=20 , (soldstate = 2 or soldstate = 3) , cartype '%toyoto%' , fileddate between date('2013-04-07') , date('2014-04-30') group month order year(fileddate), month(fileddate) ; +----------+----------+ | month | count(*) | +----------+----------+ | apr-2013 | 2 | | may-2013 | 2 | | jul-2013 | 14 | | aug-2013 | 3 | | sep-2013 | 2 | | nov-2013 | 4 | | dec-2013 | 19 | | jan-2014 | 61 | | feb-2014 | 21 | | apr-2014 | 3 | +----------+----------+

Apache storm 9.2 missing in storm-starter -

i download storm-starter github: there missing dependency: <dependency> <groupid>org.apache.storm</groupid> <artifactid>storm-core</artifactid> <version>0.9.2-incubating-snapshot</version> <!-- keep storm out of jar-with-dependencies --> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency> with 0.9.1-incubating meven resolve dependency. can use in storm-starter example? there incompatibilities? this how solved problem. first of have tu use version 0.9.1-incubating (with "0.9.2-incubating-snapshot" maven can not solve dependency). secondly, using eclipse, add org.eclipse.m2e plugin. notice comment: <!--this plugin's configuration used store eclipse m2e settings only. has no influence on maven build itself.--> this not true seems tag <versionrange>[1.3.18,)</versionrange> causes download of

ms word - How to write a VBA script to insert, move and text wrap an image -

i making vba script generate default pages template document, going except when try insert image right aligned , text wrapped. used vba many years ago excel not sure how structure vba script. started making vba script image later integrated can find below. what want achieve vba script for insert image file within same directory template file (do have put full path or can put truncated 1 specify in same directory?) for inserted image square text wrapped (default distances) for image aligned left margin relative line have inserted in the height of image @ 200 x 150 would kindly able elaborate on mwe have below. thank you: sub insert_picture() ' ' insert_picture macro ' dim imagepath string imagepath = "c:\users\edoardo\documents\my work\phd\skydrive\tutoring\houria\image replacement.jpg" activedocument.shapes.addpicture filename:=imagepath, _ linktofile:=false, _ savewithdocument:=true, _ left:=-5, _ top:=5, _ ancho

ios - Crash on iOS7, but works fine on iOS6 devices -

team, i upgrading application ios7. seeing inconsistent crashes in application when pushed app background , play around other apps , bring application foreground , perform actions, crashes.. not able reproduce crash without pushing application background. device logs: apr 18 04:15:36 iphone-5c adtcommercial[7516] <notice>: +[datautil isdiscountavalablefor:] - set number of records: 0 joblinetype: rental apr 18 04:15:37 iphone-5c adtcommercial[7516] <notice>: amountthresholdvalue: 0.000000 type: parts apr 18 04:15:37 iphone-5c adtcommercial[7516] <notice>: amountthresholdvalue: 0.000000 type: parts apr 18 04:15:37 iphone-5c adtcommercial[7516] <notice>: amountthresholdvalue: 0.000000 type: labor apr 18 04:15:37 iphone-5c adtcommercial[7516] <notice>: amountthresholdvalue: 0.000000 type: labor apr 18 04:15:37 iphone-5c adtcommercial[7516] <notice>: amountthresholdvalue: 0.000000 type: tripfee apr 18 04:15:37 iphone-5c adtcommercial[7516] <