sublimetext2 - sublime text 3 code folder short cut key definition is not working -

i trying use code folding command, short-cut not working. have use menu, not convenient.

what "," mean in short cut? tried short cut on both side of ",". not working. command + k not working.

enter image description here

i think reason there conflict here:

enter image description here

then try configure unique short cut key, not woriking. here configure

[     {"keys":["super+;"],"command": "run_macro_file", "args": {"file":"packages/user/semicolon.sublime-macro"}},     { "keys": ["ctrl+enter"], "command": "open_in_browser"},     { "keys": ["alt+d"], "command": "goto_definition" },      { "keys": ["command+9"], "command": "fold_level_9" } // here definition  ] 

can please tell me did wrong? how make code folding short-cut work?

thank you!

k, 3 means hit k, release both buttons, hit 3. sublime allows these compound keyboard commands, , recognizes different 3 alone. try removing custom shortcut keys (as may interfering other commands) , seeing if built-in commands work now.


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