c# - Register multiple components with multiple services in Castle Windsor -

i have services , interfaces them in 2 separated assemblies, 1 interfaces , implementations.

i'm trying register them using castle windsor. works using this:

 container.register(component .for(iservice1) .implementedby(service1) .lifestyle.transient());   container.register(component .for(iservice2) .implementedby(service2) .lifestyle.transient()); 

the thing here is... possible register components @ once? without having register them 1 one. have seen possible register multiple interfaces simple component, o multiple implementations single interface, haven't seen if it's possible register multiple interfaces 1 assembly multiple implementations assembly.

i don't know if has relevance, interfaces have same base(iservice in case).

thanks lot.

what looking registering components conventions. declare implementations castle should consider, , services should associate implementations with.

container.register(     // want concrete classes in assembly     classes.fromthisassembly()     // filter them keep ones in specific namespace     .insamenamespaceas<rootcomponent>()     // register thoses classes interfaces match classes names     .withservice.defaultinterfaces()     // setting lifestyles components in batch     .lifestyletransient() ); 

there many other options convention-based registration, best way take longer @ linked page.


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