rewrite - Wordpress permalinks redirect to the homepage in Lighttpd -

i have wordpress app live on raspberry pi lighttpd. have activated permalink option in admin pattern when click link see post or other pages (static pages, categories), i'm redirected homepage.

is there additionnal rules set in lighttpd? far understand, there if want have clean url without /index.php/.

of course, links such work fine.

what missing?

as stated in comments above, had disable "rewrite" plugin (i downloaded before knowing permalinks anyway). have managed have url without /index.php/ configuring /%category%/%postname%/ in permalinks section of wp-admin , having these rules in lighttpd.conf:

url.rewrite-once = (     "^/wiki/.*" => "$0",      "^/(.*/)?files/$" => "/index.php",      "^/(.*/)?files/(.*)" => "/wp-includes/ms-files.php?file=$2",      "^(/wp-admin/.*)" => "$1",      "^/([_0-9a-za-z-]+/)?(wp-.*)" => "/$2",      "^/([_0-9a-za-z-]+/)?(.*\.php)" => "/$2",      "^/(.*)/?$" => "/index.php/$1"  ) 


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