How to make custom form control in c# -

i trying in visual studio other day when realized, if make form control me allot easier, except have no idea how that, want form control have grids, each square having own color property, if knows how make form controls, or better knows how make described, happy :d

this msdn article basic step step outline of how can write customer control. unfortunatly ms has not figured out how avoid link rot -- may need search creating custom winform controls find if come in future.

you best servered subclassing existing control , customizing it.

you might find of freely available winform control projects gold-mine of useful info if serious this.

however, sounds should consider doing creating "user control", simpler composite of few existing controls. article on types of controls winforms may useful overview you.

beyond should use s/o if trying resolve specific problem having when coding. google more appropriate tool finding tutorials, etc.


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