visual studio 2012 - I'm having trouble integrating VS2012 with Git -

i have secure git repository company , want integrate git vs2012. however, i'm not able clone repository team forge. when grab ssh key , enter when cloning, error saying don't have permission account , may not have entered correct credentials. however, never prompted credentials. there place add credentials in vs2012?

i saw posts saying vs2012 doesn't support ssh tried using http key no luck

generate public / private key pair:

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa 

the public key in home directory. i.e. ~/.ssh/

add public ssh key teamforge:

$ clip < ~/.ssh/ 

paste contents of public key settings > authorized keys.

test connection:

$ ssh -v user@server 

clone repository:

also, make sure cloning ssh, not https.

i.e. $ git clone ssh://user@server/project.git


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