java ee - wicket - text field with formate that support 1,000 instead of 1000 -

i show in client string 1,000 acutall value int x = 1000 integer how can achive ?

i trying genrating new class mytextfiels have

@override public <c> iconverter<c> getconverter(class<c> type) {     iconverter<c> converter = super.getconverter(type);     if (converter instanceof abstractdecimalconverter<?>) {          ((abstractdecimalconverter<?>) converter).getnumberformat(getlocale()).setgroupingused(true);     } else {         ((abstractintegerconverter<?>) converter).getnumberformat(getlocale()).setgroupingused(true);     }      return converter; } 

but not seem work , missing

when getnumberformat() on converter, doesn't return reference numberformat instance converter use, rather clone of instance:

@override public numberformat getnumberformat(final locale locale) {     numberformat numberformat = numberformats.get(locale);     if (numberformat == null)     {         numberformat = newnumberformat(locale);         setnumberformat(locale, numberformat);     }     return (numberformat)numberformat.clone(); } 

this taken directly code of abstractdecimalconverter. achieve want should in code following:

abstractdecimalconverter castconverter = (abstractdecimalconverter<?>) converter; numberformat newnumberformatforlocale = castconverter.getnumberformat(getlocale()); newnumberformatforlocale.setgroupingused(true); castconverter.setnumberformat(getlocale(), newnumberformatforlocale); 

however there's need understand when you're doing this: converter super.getconverter retrieved using application's global converter locator. default, converter locator contains singleton converter every type.

what means if change format @ point in 1 of pages way, of other pages locale use formatting well. imagine okay potentially, if isn't instead of changing numberformat on converter retrieve super.getconverter() create new instance of abstractdecimalconverter in getconverter method required numberformat set on , return instead, in case global singleton remains intact.

do reply if want elaborated @ all.


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