javascript - Sticking Div to Top After Scrolling Past it -

right now, i'm able stick div top after scrolls down 320px wanted know if there way of achieving this. below have code:

jquery(function($) {     function fixdiv() {         if ($(window).scrolltop() > 320) {              $('#navwrap').css({ 'position': 'fixed', 'top': '0', 'width': '100%' });          }         else {             $('#navwrap').css({ 'position': 'static', 'top': 'auto', 'width': '100%' });         }     }     $(window).scroll(fixdiv);     fix5iv(); }); 

it works, divs above not same height can't rely on 320px. how work without using if ($(window).scrolltop() > 320) can fade in @ top after user scrolls past div #navwrap?

try using offset().top of #navwrap element. way element fixed it's starting position in document, regardless of is. example:

function fixdiv() {     var $div = $("#navwrap");     if ($(window).scrolltop() > $"top")) {          $div.css({'position': 'fixed', 'top': '0', 'width': '100%'});      }     else {         $div.css({'position': 'static', 'top': 'auto', 'width': '100%'});     } }  $("#navwrap").data("top", $("#navwrap").offset().top); // set original position on load $(window).scroll(fixdiv); 

example fiddle


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