linux - parse info from log files and quering process table -

i trying check how many log files have been modified in last 10 minutes , list them. want in incriminates of 30. output this:

   log files modified in last 10 minutes: x     list of these files:    /var/log/messages    /var/log/lastlog    /var/log/wtmpp    /var/log/cron     log files modified in last 30 minutes: x    list of these files:    .... 

further, want query process table , following:

    total # of processes:  x     number of active user processes user:     root: 98 (or many)     apache: 65     usera: 33     userb: 23      top 5 processes using memory     listing of processes 

i think can # of log files command:

    find /var/log/ -name '*.log' -mmin 10 

and count them adding " | wc -l" #

but errors when try that.

any suggestions on how go appreciate.

note, should write -10 mmin.

find /var/log/ -name '*.log' -mmin -10


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