ubuntu - Cassandra not coming up after installing dse-full -

i had working 3 node cassandra cluster , found during installation didn't install dse. installed dse-full & opscenter in of 3 nodes. after installation found none of cassandra node rebooted cluster nodes. after reboot when tried run caassandra service faced following exception:

fatal exception during initialization org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.configurationexception: saved cluster name db cluster != configured name test cluster                                                                                                                 @ org.apache.cassandra.db.systemkeyspace.checkhealth(systemkeyspace.java:542)                                                                                                                        @ org.apache.cassandra.service.cassandradaemon.setup(cassandradaemon.java:246)                                                                                                                          @ com.datastax.bdp.server.dsedaemon.setup(dsedaemon.java:376)     @ org.apache.cassandra.service.cassandradaemon.activate(cassandradaemon.java:480)                                                                                                                          @ com.datastax.bdp.server.dsedaemon.main(dsedaemon.java:639) 

after reading few of posts changed cluster name 'test cluster' in cassandra.yaml in each of nodes , tried run cassandra service cassandra not coming , nothing logging in system.log/output.log. don't want lose data.

the error message telling change of cluster names "db cluster". in yaml files , should ok. (also make sure fix other yaml changes - seed nodes, data directories, listen addresses, ect ... )


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