c# - Application breaks with System.FormatException(not correct input type?) -

im making treegenerator training , im taking input console splitting array while trying split error saying system.formatexception(not correct input type)

console.writeline("input number of branches, treefoot, , branch char"); string[] input = console.readline().split(' '); int nb = int.parse(input[1]); char tf = char.parse(input[2]); char bc = char.parse(input[3]); 

your index 0 not int in string, text in string.

you got indices wrong, use 0,1,2

int nb; bool ok = int.tryparse(input[0], out nb); // ok true if parsing succeeded char tf = char.parse(input[1]); char bc = char.parse(input[2]); 

you should use int.tryparse() see if int parsing succeeded.


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