c# - Mass Transit unable to deserialize collections with exactly one element -

i've got mass transit message interface this:

public interface iperson {     icollection<personalname> names { get; } }  public class personalname {     public string familyname { get; set; }     public string givenname { get; set; }     public string secondname { get; set; }     public string use { get; set; } } 

and works serializing , deserializing message using jsonmessageserializer. can serialize message using xmlmessageserializer, , result looks bit this:

<person>     <names>         <familyname>simpson</familyname>         <givenname>homer</givenname>         <secondname>jay</secondname>         <use>official</use>     </names>     <names>         <givenname>homie</givenname>         <use>nickname</use>     </names> </person> 

and can deserialize if collection empty or if has more 1 element. however, if collection contains exactly one element, when go deserialize it, error:

cannot deserialize current json object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) type 'system.collections.generic.icollection`1[myns.personalname]' because type requires json array (e.g. [1,2,3]) deserialize correctly.

to fix error either change json json array (e.g. [1,2,3]) or change deserialized type normal .net type (e.g. not primitive type integer, not collection type array or list<t>) can deserialized json object. jsonobjectattribute can added type force deserialize json object.

path 'person.names.familyname'.

i can fix using array or list<t>, i'd avoid doing that. there way mass transit's xmlmessageserializer deserialize icollection<t> types? since mass transit uses json.net serialization under hood (even xml), i'm hoping there's way of annotating type can accept icollection<t>.

instead of trying deserialize:


you have pass in array deserialize:



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