java - Eclipse - Wrapped lines' indentation appears & disappears each time I save -

each time click save entire file's formatting alternates between these 2 formats:

this.getobject()         .method()         .method(); this.method(arg1, arg2,         arg3, arg4); 


this.getobject() .method() .method(); this.method(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); 

i want stick first format.

i have same problem current eclipse configuration. think eclipse bug.

my guess problem related option:

java code style -> cleanup -> code organizing -> correct indentation

getting in conflict with

java code style -> cleanup -> code organizing -> format source code

which should fix indentation according formatter settings.

i disabled option correct indentation in both java code style -> cleanup , java editor -> save actions -> additional actions -> configure... , problem seemed disappear.


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