networking - Send file from Client to Server in python -

i sending file client server in python. i've wrote python script. i want store file @ receiver side same filename sent sender. suppose sending file "first.txt". @ receiver side saving file name file_1.txt. instead of file_1.txt, want original name first.txt. 1 more thing, if i'm sending file after first.txt, overwriting previous file @ receiver. i'm not getting idea how solve problem.please me.

server code (receiver)

import socket import shutil s = socket.socket(socket.af_inet, socket.sock_stream) host = '' port = 31401 s.bind((host, port)) s.listen(3) conn, addr = s.accept()                 print 'conn @ address',addr conn.sendall('ready') i=1 f = open(r'file_'+ str(i)+".txt",'wb') i=i+1 fsize=int(conn.recv(8))                print 'file size',fsize sfile = conn.makefile("rb") shutil.copyfileobj(sfile, f) sfile.close()  f.write(conn.recv(fsize))            f.close() conn.close() s.close() 

client code (sender)

import socket, os, shutil stat import st_size host = raw_input("please enter ip-address :  ")  port = 31400               s = socket.socket(socket.af_inet, socket.sock_stream) s.connect((host,port)) if s.recv(8)!='ready':     raw_input('unable connect \n\n press key exit ...')     s.close()     exit() path=raw_input("enter path of file :  ")  f=open(path,'rb') fsize=os.stat([st_size]   s.sendall(str(fsize).zfill(8)) sfile = s.makefile("wb") shutil.copyfileobj(f, sfile) sfile.close() s.close() f.close() 


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