c# - LinkText not working when you have a link with text-transform set to uppercase -

i'm working on project using selenium, , found when used selenium ide create test case, convert webdriver, when attempt run test using nunit not work expected.

what have found on page i'm testing, have link shows in capital letters (i.e. home) due css on page text-transform : uppercase, when @ elements see written follows (home).

when run test i'm getting

openqa.selenium.nosuchelementexception : unable locate element: {"method":"link text","selector":"home"}

the workaround ensure have our link text capital letters. wondering if had seen before , did combat this?

this bug/issue within selenium:


i vote issue, , think other ways locate element if large blocker you. xpath able text-based searching or give element classes or id can use hook onto.

by.linktext not way find link.


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