How to extend TextField to access model in Ember.js -

i writing form post in ember.js.

  • attr binding , condition support boolean value other expression.
  • action didn't take arguments.

i want error show when input focus , input valid.

in simple way, should in focus-in , focus-out property. many field, have write 2 action each input.

i want write reusable view that, don't know how change model's value in view.

any 1 know that?

erp.fromfieldview = ember.textfield.extend({      attributebindings: ['type', 'value', 'size', 'pattern', 'name', 'min', 'max',                       'accept', 'autocomplete', 'autosave', 'formaction',                       'formenctype', 'formmethod', 'formnovalidate', 'formtarget',                       'height', 'inputmode', 'list', 'multiple', 'pattern', 'step',                       'width', 'error', 'regex'],     name: 'default',      error: '',      regex: '^.+$',      isvalid: true,       valuechanged: function () {         re = new regexp(this.get('regex'), 'g');         this.set('error', !re.test(this.get('value')));     }.observes('value'),      focusin: function (event) {         this._super(event);         if (this.get('value') == undefined) {             this.set('error', true);         }     },      focusout: function (event) {         this._super(event);         this.set('error', false);     } });  ember.handlebars.helper('form-field', erp.fromfieldview); 


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