php - Accessing value of indirectly related models -

i displaying cgridview below cdetailview on view.php page company model. have problem in displaying values in cgridview using company details. company model has array of companyaddresses used carraydataprovider cgridview.

      $config = array();       $dataprovider = new carraydataprovider($rawdata=$model->companyaddresses,$config); $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.cgridview', array(     'dataprovider'=>$dataprovider     , 'columns'=>array(                     //'id',                     array('header'=>'sn.',                     //'value'=>'++$row',  // may nt work pagination below work                     'value'=>'$this->grid->dataprovider->pagination->currentpage * $this->grid->dataprovider->pagination->pagesize + ($row+1)',                     ),                      'address',                         array(                             'name'=>'tehsil',                             //'value'=> utility::gettehsilname(tehsil::model()->findbypk('tehsil_id')),                             'value'=> utility::gettehsilname($this->loadmodel('tehsil_id')),                             //'value'=> tehsil::model()->findbyattributes( array('id' => 'tehsil_id' ) )->name,                             ),                         array(                             'name'=>'address_tag_id',                                         'value'=>addresstag::model()->findbypk('address_tag_id'),                             ),                      )          ));   

i not able fetch tehsil_name tehsil table has id inside companyaddress table.

your using value attribute wrong, check this:

'value'=>function($data){      return utility::gettehsilname($data->tehsil_id);  }, 


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