html - Delayed loading GIF image from CSS background -

this situation; displaying ads on website want display specific banner if visitor using ad blocker. first thing i've looked script detects ad blocker, after trying few different scripts seems of them no longer work (at least, couldn't them work).

so gave on , went different solution. displaying css background image behind ad if ad isn't shown, image is. because typical ad takes moment load made background image gif image 2 seconds of transparency. works charm first time, when reload page or open different page gif animation doesn't play , instantly displays last frame, skipping transparency.

i've tried adding random stuff behind url in css, didn't work. i've tried data/inline version of image, didn't seem work either. i'm kinda running out of solutions.

the css:

.ads { position: relative; top: 15px; float: right; height: 60px; width: 468px; background-image:  url('/images/ads/ads_top.gif?randomstuff=39485') } 

i'm looking either;

1) way show alternative image if ad blocked (that still actual , works).

2) way delay css background image being loaded.

3) way prevent gif being cached or forced replay animation on each pageload.

any of these fix problem. hope able help.


look this link. simple , don't think need comments. question how set time each image.

time use jquery:

your html code:

<div class='ads'></div> <div class='ads'></div> 

and css code:

.ads { position: relative; top: 15px; float: right; height: 60px; width: 468px; } 

your jquery code:

$(".ads").each(function() {     var timestamp = $.now();     $(this).css("background-image", "url('/images/ads/ads_top.gif?"+timestamp+"')"); }); 

your jquery code have placed .js file. have js files? if yes, add code onload handler. if don't have create new file, say, scripts.js , put code it:

$(document).ready(function() {     $(".ads").each(function() {         var timestamp = $.now();         $(this).css("background-image", "url('/images/ads/ads_top.gif?"+timestamp+"')");     });  } 


  1. .ready function means instructions in body of function read , started on page load. don't need them work before page loaded, right?
  2. $(".ads") — element selector .ads (with class ads).
  3. $(".ads").each(function() { /* body */ }.each function means assign instructions function body elements selector .ads
  4. var timestamp = $.now(); — getting timestamp , assigning variable
  5. $(this).css("background-image", "url('/images/ads/ads_top.gif?"+timestamp+"')"); — adding css property $(this) element (this element current element selector .ads)

thats all. simple. have file scripts.js content above. put somewhere on site, put media files. example, {root}/media/ <-- here.

the last thing should link new js file , jquery library. note, jquery library have linked before file, using $ variable.

add next code <head></head> tag view:

<script src=""></script> <script src="/media/script.js"></script> 

don't forget js actions in onload handler.

hope help. tell me result, please.



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