javascript - <iframe> hidden by CSS not rendering correctly when shown -

i have <iframe> google maps on website. have map hidden css (it inside <div> display: none;) when show map again (using jquery's .show() method), <iframe> not rendered correctly (instead of showing area selected shows full world minimal zoom). tested in chrome, firefox , ie (only chrome renders correctly, in cases).

am doing wrong or bug in browser?

is there simple solution can use prevent these errors appearing?

thanks advices :)


changed different maps provider , works bit better, still has errors:

rendering bug in firefox:


iframe code:

<iframe src=";z=13&amp;x=14.484938099932673&amp;y=50.10842090294788&amp;o=0&amp;layer=14&amp;dx=14.484938099932673&amp;dy=50.10842090294788&amp;dt=kovaneck%c3%a1%202295%2f9&amp;move=1&amp;prev=1&amp;w=500&amp;h=333" width="500" height="333" style="border:none" frameborder="0"></iframe> 

javascript code:

function contentmanager(page, language) {     this.generateid = function(page, language) {         return '#content-' + page + '-' + language;     };      this.loadcontent = function(page, language) {         $(this.lastid).fadeout(200);         var id = this.generateid(page, language);         this.lastid = id;         window.location.hash = language + '/' + page;         $(id).delay(200).fadein(200);     };      this.lastid = this.generateid(page, language); } 

every link calls contentmanager.loadcontent() method properly


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