supervisord - Nginx with Supervisor keep changing status b/w Running and Starting -

here's preview of status running supervisorctl status every 2 seconds:

[root@docker] ~ # supervisorctl status nginx                            running    pid 2090, uptime 0:00:02 [root@docker] ~ # supervisorctl status nginx                            starting    [root@docker] redis-2.8.9 # supervisorctl status nginx                            running    pid 2110, uptime 0:00:01 

is normal thing nginx respawn every few seconds ? knowing nginx setup run in background setup:

[program:nginx] command=/usr/sbin/nginx stdout_events_enabled=true stderr_events_enabled=true 

its been long time, might else... set daemon off in nginx config. supervisord requires processes not run daemons.

you can set directly supervisor command:

command=/usr/sbin/nginx -g "daemon off;" 


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