c - char * to ASN1_INTEGER -

for pki certificate generation , , setting serial number , used rand_bytes 20 bytes of random serial number, wanted char * set serial number of certificate , seems of type asn1_integer *

tried asn1_type_set_octetstring(asn1_type *, unsigned char *, len) since takes asn1_type * , not asn1_integer* gave crash

how convert between unsigned char * asn1_integer ?


i'm sure you're looking for, wrong. if want have 20-byte asn1_integer 1 way sending through bignum library first:

unsigned char data[20] = {0}; rand_bytes(data, sizeof(data)); data[0] &= 0x7f;  // build big number our bytes bignum* bn = bn_new(); bn_bin2bn(data, sizeof(data), bn);  // build asn1_integer our bignum asn1_integer* asnint = asn1_integer_new(); bn_to_asn1_integer(bn, asnint);  // todo: use asn1_integer  // cleanup asn1_integer_free(asnint); bn_free(bn); 


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