android - Phonegap: new FileTransfer(); returns undefined -

i want download file in phonegap using filetransfer, "referenceerror: filetransfer not defined" error (line 3 on below code). using phonegap 3.3.0; file , filetransfer plugins added config.xml(and showing on building via web interface

function descargarepo2(id) {     try {         var filedownloadedit = new filetransfer();         alert("hecho: " + filedownloadedit);     } catch (e) {         alert("el error de filetransfer es: " + e);     }     var uri = encodeuri("");     var filepath = "www/data/";     uri, filepath, function(entry) {         console.log("download complete: " + entry.fullpath);         alert("file downloaded. click 'read editable downloaded file' see text");     }, function(error) {         //alert("download error source " + error.source);         //alert("download error target " +;         alert("error code" + error.code);     }); } 


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