how to use Zend 2 Oauth package -

thanx reading, first time try use zend 2 oauth, following answer in link did said using composer don't know how check if it's installed. how can check if it's installed? , how use it? tried in index controller call examples in zend page

$config = array(     'callbackurl' => '',     'siteurl' => '',     'consumerkey' => 'gg3dsftw9ou9ewpnbupzq',     'consumersecret' => 'tfb0fywlsmf74lkeu9ftyohxcazowpbrajtcck48a' ); $consumer = new zendoauth\consumer($config); 

but returns:

fatal error: class 'application\controller\zendoauth\consumer' not found 

and tried include @ top using use command can't find package named oauth. can 1 me this? idea or appreciated.

you're within application\controller namespace, when new zendoauth\consumer, php assumes mean new application\controller\zendoauth\consumer unless tell otherwise.

to fix error, need do:

$consumer = new \zendoauth\consumer($config); 

however, may have trouble getting working, i'm 80% sure zend oauth package supports oauth 1 (it's it's port of zf1 package), not oauth 2.


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