mvc - unable to retrieve metadata in MVC -

my application working added model "logon.cs"

 public class logon {      public int id { get; set; }     public string username { get; set; }     public string password { get; set; }  } public class logoncontext : dbcontext {     public dbset<logon> logons { get; set; } } 

i build app , wanted add controller,it enter image description here

when press add button getting error enter image description here

what mean?what missed?

i found here. may resolve problem:

in root web.config file change name of

<connectionstrings> <add name="yourconnectionstring" ...other code goes here...  </connectionstrings> 


 <connectionstrings> <add name="defaultconnection" ...other code goes here... </connectionstrings> 

also, have rebuild after change connection string name.


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