Facebook Conceal .so files not uploading in Android Project -

i cannot conceal library work, may doing wrong, wish instructions bit more detailed.


i have added crypto.jar project, , instructions tell me add files armeabi/*.so jni folder.

"add dependency crypto.jar java code using favorite dependency management system, , drop .so files in libs.zip jni/ folder."

i don't have jni folder, since project normal android progect, not ndk project. how can work, tried creating folder , adding build path, did not work. lost on this. in source code loading libraries this:

static { // load facebook conceal crypto files system.loadlibrary("libconceal.so"); system.loadlibrary("libcryptox.so");  }  

then instructions tell me add files armeabi/*.so jni folder.

that's bug in documentation. pre-compiled .so files go in libs/. so, should wind libs/armeabi/*.so.

i tried creating folder , adding build path

that never right answer , can screw things up, recommend reverse step.


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