python - Apache and sharing media in a separate directory -

i building django app runs out of /users/me/dropbox directory.

localhost pointed @ /users/me/sites directory.

mod_wsgi installed. apache installed django installed , app working fine in development mode

i trying embed media in template media comes directory outside of django app - in root of machine - /proyectos

the permissions directories , preceding directories readable _www

i think understand that

  • mod_wsgi serve dynamic files
  • apache serve static files css , template files, media files referencing in /proyectos directory

i have following in

staticfiles_dirs = (os.path.join(base, "static"), ) static_url = "/static/" media_url = "/proyectos/" wsgi_application = 'mbrain.wsgi.application' 

in /etc/apache2/extra/vhosts/localhost.conf have:

<virtualhost *:80>  documentroot "/users/me/sites/localhost" servername localhost  wsgidaemonprocess localhost python-path=/users/me/dropbox/mbrain_adam/mbrain/:/users/me/dropbox/mbrain_adam/mbrain/venv/include/python2.7 wsgiprocessgroup localhost  alias /proyectos/ /proyectos/  <directory /proyectos>     require granted </directory>  wsgiscriptalias / /users/me/dropbox/mbrain_adam/mbrain/mbrain/  <directory /users/me/dropbox/mbrain_adam/mbrain/mbrain>     <files>     require granted     </files> </directory> 

so embed media file in template have url: {{ media_url }}{{ asset.assetpath }}

when load page in browser console shows expanded path media asset 404 error - http/1.1" 404 3045.

i’d appreciate feedback on whether approaching right way or if have missed concept. on 404 error appreciated.



does work when remove trailing slash? alias /proyectos /proyectos


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