c# - Clicking on Html.ActionLink refreshing the layout view -

i have mvc 3 project created default template in visual studio. in project in layout view added dropdownlist using view , html.action like

in _layout.cshtml

 @html.action("index", "ddldept") 

in index.cshtml of ddldeptcontroller.cs

@model passingvaluesinviews.models.ddldeptviewmodel @html.dropdownlistfor(m => m.selecteddeptid, new selectlist(model.depts, "id" , "deptname")) 

when run project , click on 1 of default links home controller

 <li>@html.actionlink("home", "index", "home")</li> 

the page refreshed , whatever selected in dropdownbox cleared , default valued selected again.

why dropdownbox refesh , how prevent that.

my objective have common dropdown box couple of views.

thanks help.

@html.actionlink refresh page. same action occur if clicked on link generated traditional tags.

if needed reload small section, you're looking ajax call via @ajax.actionlink.

@ajax.actionlink("home", // <-- text display      "index", // <-- action method name      new ajaxoptions      {          updatetargetid="customerlist", // <-- dom element id update          insertionmode = insertionmode.replace, // <-- replace content of dom element          httpmethod = "get" // <-- http method       }) 

sample taken following tutorial: http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/uploadfile/abhikumarvatsa/ajax-actionlink-and-html-actionlink-in-mvc/


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