android - Extract image from URL using Jsoup -

i tried extract image other websites following code , had no problems, them tried other website , nothing happend. no image came up.

protected void doinbackground(void... params) {          try {             // connect web site             document document = jsoup.connect(;             // using elements class data             elements img ="div.i-project-card i-embedded img[src]");               // locate src attribute             string imgsrc = img.attr("src");             //download image url             inputstream input = new;             // decode bitmap             bitmap = bitmapfactory.decodestream(input);            } catch (ioexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }         return null; } 

finally y managed grab image.

the image src inside div under attribute data-src this

(<)div class="image" data-src="image.jpg><\div>

so had call class of div call attribute data-src. problem didn't notice there wasn't (<)img> tag calling. final code was

elements img"div.image");

string imgsrc = img.attr("data-src");

cheers everyone.


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