ASP.Net MVC 4 Manage Roles - Windows Authentication -

i have mvc 4 web application want implement sqlroleprovider , windows authentication it.
after did search in google added sqlroleprovider tables in database running aspnet_regsql command in vs command prompt. added web.config:

<authentication mode="windows" /> <rolemanager enabled="true">   <providers>     <clear />     <add connectionstringname="portaldbcontext" applicationname="/" name="aspnetsqlroleprovider" type="" />     <add applicationname="/" name="aspnetwindowstokenroleprovider" type="" />   </providers> </rolemanager> 

now need know how can manage roles? mean how create/edit/delete roles , assign/un-assign users roles?
should create these pages myself or there available may nuget?

i roll own. , has been years, not sure if supported anymore, can use web site administration tool if on iis. it's slow , clunky if recall get's job done.


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