arrays - copying files from one folder to another only if their file name is a in a specified text file c# -

i need copy files 1 folder if file name in text file. text file set so

file1.jpg file2.jpg file3.jpg etc  

there around one-million files copy. i'm using c#.

what best way go be? i'm not sure if should first read file names text file , put them in list possibly convert list in array maybe use array somehow? or maybe there's better way go it?

i know how read , write files , how copy 1 source destination another. don't know how filter out specific files when copying 1 source destination though.

any appreciated.

thank you.

the following code process want

        string source = @"c:\sourcepath\";         string destination = @"c:\destinationpath\";          string[] strfiles = file.readalltext(@"c:\filename.txt").split(' ');         (int = 0; < strfiles.length; i++)         {             file.copy(source + strfiles[i], destination + strfiles[i]);         } 


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